
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Links for 2007-08-14

Interesting CRM links gathered from all over the Internet

Invoke Systems Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Developer's Weblog : Speed Racer - Call CRM at speeds that would impress even Trixie! (tags: crm performance tuning)

CodeGuru: Microsoft CRM Integration: Oracle Database Access from MS CRM - Today's article topic is a customization possibility demonstration for a user Web interface of Microsoft CRM. As an example, I'll use MS CRM integration with ASP.Net application, accessing customer data access when customers are stored in an Oracle 10g da (tags: crm oracle)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM @ Joris Kalz's WebLog : Updated version of the windows desktop seach integration - Thanx to the power of Microsoft Windows Desktop Search (WDS) it is very easy to integrate it with Microsoft CRM. By integrate Microsoft CRM with WDS users can easily search from the desktop to find any object inside of Microsoft CRM. This is just one more (tags: crm Desktop search)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog : Using Database Tuning Advisor with CRM - SQL Server 2005 comes with a tool called Database Tuning Advisor (DTA) that can help you tune your database given a particular workload. The tool is an evolution of Index Tuning Wizard from previous versions of SQL Server. DTA can be a very useful tool, b (tags: crm performance tuning)

Download details: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Logical Database Diagrams - A series of diagrams showing the logical database structure for Microsoft CRM 3.0. (tags: crm)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Bulk Import - The Microsoft CRM 3.0 Bulk Import Wizard helps you to import bulk data into default and custom attributes of the Lead, Account, Contact and Campaign Response system entities. The data can be retrieved from a spreadsheet, Microsoft Word document, comma-sep (tags: crm)

Invoke Systems Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Developer's Weblog : Invoke Systems Visio Shapes for Microsoft CRM 3.0 - Announcing Invoke Systems Microsoft CRM 3.0 Shapes for Microsoft Visio. When doing any Microsoft CRM development effort, Project Managers will need to work with our clients to gather requirements and design solutions within Microsoft CRM. Typically a lar (tags: crm)

SSW Microsoft CRM Suggestions (tags: crm)

Microsoft CRM Best Practices - Bikes Corp has implemented MSCRM 3.0 in order to ensure profitable customer relationships and happy customers. Bikes Corp. sells all kind of bikes to institutional buyers like government, schools etc. Charlie is the owner of the business. Kevin is the sal (tags: crm workflow)

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